Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Some Definitions

1. Hijabista - nickname in Britain for trendy young Muslim women

2. Hijab - headscarf worn by Muslim women; comes from the Arabic word for veil. Covers hair, ears, and neck

3. Al-Amira - two piece veil consisting of a tight-fitting cap and a tube-like scarf

4. Shayla - long, rectangular scarf popular in the Arab Gulf. Wrapped around head and fixed at shoulders

5. Khimar - long veil that hangs to just above waist, covering head, neck, and shoulders, but leaving the face clear

6. Chador - full body cloak, usually accompanied by smaller headscarf underneath. Worn in Iran

7. Niqab - facial veil that leaves eye area clear. Worn with accompanying headscarf

8. Burqa - most concealing veil; covers entire face and body, with a mesh screen to see through

9. Abaya - meaning "cloak". Loose overgarment; often worn with niqab. Traditionally black and covers all but hands, feet, and face

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